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Tracks info

General Track

Application closed on March 22, 2024

Candidates with the italian citizenship, currently attending the fourth year of high school (17/18 years old) are eligible to apply for the General Track to join Webvalley.

FBK will provide full tuition to courses, lab and social activities.

Selection will be based on:

  1. School reports and CV
  2. Motivation letter (why you want to participate to the WebValley Summer School and how you can contribute), written by the student 
  3. Recommendation letter, written by a teacher/mentor
  4. Short presentation video

The motivation letter is especially important for the admission: FBK scientists are looking for smart young people interested in exploring interdisciplinary research and build a novel open source solution, enjoying the idea of working in team, with the right mix of scientific entrepreneurship and passion for sharing data and ideas.

This track will not require any fee, if the candidate is accepted.

Note that all the documents must be provided in English (the recommendation letter is also accepted in Italian).


Application closed on May 4, 2024

Candidates from Colégio Dante Alighieri, currently attending the fourth year of high school (17/18 years old) are eligible to apply for the FeNeDANTE track to join Webvalley.

FBK will provide full tuition to courses, lab and social activities.

Selection will be based on:

School reports and CV
Motivation letter (why you want to participate to the WebValley Summer School and how you can contribute), written by the student
Recommendation letter, written by a teacher/mentor
Short presentation video

The motivation letter is especially important for the admission: FBK scientists are looking for smart young people interested in exploring interdisciplinary research and build a novel open source solution, enjoying the idea of working in team, with the right mix of scientific entrepreneurship and passion for sharing data and ideas.

This track will not require any fee, if the candidate is accepted.

Regeneron ISEF Track

Application closed on May 12, 2024

Judges from FBK will interview the selected candidates at Regeneron ISEF fair. The winners will be announced at the Regeneron ISEF SAO ceremony.

Selection will be based on:

  1. Relevance of project presented by the finalist at the ISEF event
  2. School reports and CV
  3. Motivation letter (why you want to participate to the WebValley Summer School and how you can contribute), written by the student
  4. Recommendation letter, written by a teacher/mentor
  5. Short presentation video

The motivation letter is especially important for the admission: FBK scientists are looking for smart young people interested in exploring interdisciplinary research and build a novel open source solution, enjoying the idea of working in team, with the right mix of scientific entrepreneurship and passion for sharing data and ideas.


Application closed on May 12, 2024

International candidates (ISEF excluded), currently attending the fourth year of high school (17/18 years old) are eligible to apply for the  INTERNATIONAL Track (no-ISEF) to join Webvalley. The applicants must meet eligibility requirements for travel, including a valid passport for travel and visit to Italy.

Selection will be based on:

  1. School reports and CV
  2. Motivation letter (why you want to participate to the WebValley Summer School and how you can contribute), written by the student
  3. Recommendation letter, written by a teacher/mentor
  4. Short presentation video

The motivation letter is especially important for the admission: FBK scientists are looking for smart young people interested in exploring interdisciplinary research and build a novel open source solution, enjoying the idea of working in team, with the right mix of scientific entrepreneurship and passion for sharing data and ideas.

Responsabile dei contenuti: Claudia Dolci (dolci@fbk.eu)
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The images in this website are open source material from https://storyset.com/