The Team


Claudia Dolci

Director of WebValley, she co-directs together with Giuseppe Jurman WebValley’s Summer School since 2009. With a PhD at ETH Zurich, she started working in 2009 at the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) in the Predictive Models for Biomedicine and Environment (MPBA) Unit as Project Manager & GeoICT Expert. From June 2017 she is leading the RIS Unit (Research and Innovation for School), which accomplishes FBK commitment to collaborate with institutions operating in this field. Each year more than 500 students are involved in networking projects between local bodies, including individual traineeships and camp. She promotes DomoSens®, a new model for projects with the schools.

Giuseppe Jurman

Co-Director and Head of the Data Science for Health (DSH) Unit at FBK. Contributing to WebValley since 2002, Giuseppe Jurman is a mathematician, with a PhD in Algebra, working at MPBA on various aspects of data science, especially for computational biology. His main research interests are statistical machine learning, mathematical modeling for high-throughtput data and network analysis. He is also an expert in scientific programming with Python and other computing languages, and he teaches Data Visualization at the M.Sc. in Data Science at the University of Trento.

Lab Team

Roberto Iuppa

Associated professor in Physics at the University of Trento. Deputy Principal Investigator of the HEPD experiment on board the CSES satellites. Coordinator of the INFN astroparticle physics group in Trento. Promoter and leader of the “Trento Space Center” initiative in Trento. Experimental physicist with a strong background in instrument design and data analysis. Currently involved in a number of particle experiments in space and at colliders.

Marco Cristoforetti

Head of the Data Science for Industry and Physics unit (DSIP), Digital Industry Center, FBK, Trento, Italy. Physicist with a PhD in computational theoretical physics. As a data scientist, he is involved in projects ranging from machine learning for industrial and meteo/climate applications of time series forecasts to Deep Learning methods in High Energy and Space Physics.

Francesco Maria Follega

Francesco Maria Follega obtained his Ph.D. in Particle Physics, with a thesis on rare decays of the Higgs Boson measured by the ATLAS detector. Since 2020, he has been a researcher at the University of Trento working on the CSES (China Seismo Electromagnetic Satellite) mission. His research ranges from astroparticle physics and space physics, to Deep Learning application to high energy physics.

Andrea Di Luca

Andrea Di Luca earned his Ph.D. in Particle Physics from the University of Trento and FBK, with a focus on developing deep learning models for LHC experiments at CERN. Since 2023, he has been a researcher at the DSIP unit in FBK. His research interests extend from fundamental particle and astroparticle physics to the development of Artificial Intelligence solutions for automating industrial processes.

Andrea Gobbi

Senior researcher at the DSIP unit in FBK. He obtain his Ph.D. in Mathematics with a focus on the generation of null models in graph theory. He is involved in digital industry projects (H2020 and with private companies) with the role of study and developing Deep Learning based solutions for complex time series forecasting

Megha Babu

Ph.D. student enrolled in the Space Science and Technology program at the University of Trento, concurrently conducting research at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler research institute. Her research focuses on utilizing Deep Learning techniques to investigate time-transient phenomena in the ionosphere and understanding its correlation with seismo-induced events. Currently, she is dedicated to developing a predictive model for earthquakes using electromagnetic data from the ionosphere.

Greta Brianti

Ph.D. student in Particle Physics at the University of Trento and FBK. Her research interests are focused on applying Deep Learning to High Energy Physics at the LHC. She is currently working with the ATLAS Flavour Tagging Algorithms group on developing Graph Neural Network algorithms for flavour tagging tasks. Additionally, she is collaborating with the ATLAS VBF H(cc/bb) analysis team to develop mass invariant decorrelated Deep Networks for Higgs boson analysis.

Daniela Mascione

Ph.D. student in Particle Physics at the University of Trento and FBK. Her research focuses on applications of Deep Learning to High Energy Physics, aiming to develop new Deep Learning tools to improve results in LHC experiments at CERN. Currently, she is exploring innovative methods to reduce model sizes for neural network implementation on resource-constrained hardware without compromising performance.

Veronica Vilona

Veronica Vilona is a Space Engineer, currently enrolled in a research assignment at TIFPA (INFN). Her work focuses on several space-related activities: payload assembly and integration, management, quality assurance, qualification test campaign. She is interested in supporting all the initiatives that can lead to the development of space activities in Trentino.

Gabriele Franch

Gabriele Franch has completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science between FBK and the University of Trento. He participated in WebValley in 2002 and has worked in FBK and several startups in the last 10 years. Now he is a researcher at FBK, applying deep learning to weather nowcasting, to help civil protections in Italy to prevent floods. He has been webvalley lab tutor in the years 2009-2014 and 2017-2018.

Luca Coviello

Luca Coviello is a PhD student in Industrial Innovation, working on applying Deep Learning in the Agrifood industry. He received the M.Sc. degree in Data Science from the EIT Digital Master School in November 2018. He participated in WebValley 2012 and started working in MPBA-FBK the next year, focusing on bioimaging and web applications. He is interested in deep learning and environmental sciences.

Carlotta Cazzolli

Carlotta Cazzolli is a B.Sc student in Computer, Communications and Electronic Engineering at Trento University. She is currently working as a junior scientific programmer in the Data Science for Health unit.

Beatrice Dalpedri

Beatrice is a PHD candidate in Computational Biology at the University of Trento - COSBI. At WebValley she works as Scientific Secretary, supporting the WebValley Team with logistics and assisting WebValley participants.

Innovation & Communication Consultants

Marco Gadotti

Creative Developer freelancer and teacher at the Artigianelli Institute since 2020. He’s been a student at the Fontys Academy of Fine Art in the Netherlands and then in TAG - Trento Alta Formazione Grafica in Italy, where he took an in-depth look at Design Thinking methodologies and techniques. At WebValley he’s working on bringing the design methodologies in different fields such as education and research.


Cesare Furlanello

Director of Scientific Program. Cesare is a mathematician, CEO & founder of H3KLab , FBK senior advisor and former Head of the MPBA research unit. His research vision is the need for connecting high-throughput omics data with environmental variables (bio-geoinformatics), to support new predictive models in human and environmental health. He has published more than 100 scientific works, led about 60 research projects, help founding one spinoff company, but overall he is a founder of the WebValley Summer School, and has run the program since its first edition in 2001.

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